
252 Members
Come and join this space if you are interested or somehow related to F-Droid! Here you can find everybody and everything in Matrix around the F-Droid universe. Some links: - official website: f-droid.org - F-Droid Forum: forum.f-droid.org - source code: gitlab.com/fdroid61 Servers

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25 Sep 2023
@papa_birb:matrix.orgRu MacTunnag joined the room.15:42:56
@mark22k:tchncs.demark22k joined the room.18:36:15
26 Sep 2023
@nick:arcticfoxes.netNick joined the room.21:30:53
28 Sep 2023
@molli:kemono.onlinemoonperson (abstract balloon animal) joined the room.21:02:04
@molli:kemono.onlinemoonperson (abstract balloon animal) changed their display name from moonperson (squash of color) to moonperson (abstract balloon animal).21:08:28
29 Sep 2023
@c:frei.chatJC joined the room.17:55:45
@c:frei.chatJC changed their display name from JC to CJ.19:46:16
@c:frei.chatJC changed their profile picture.22:37:29
1 Oct 2023
@edwinchang:matrix.orgEdwin Chang left the room.19:35:30
2 Oct 2023
@temp4096:matrix.orgtemp4096 joined the room.11:41:23
3 Oct 2023
@temp4096:matrix.orgtemp4096 left the room.10:05:32
5 Oct 2023
@c:frei.chatJC changed their display name from CJ to JC.00:12:17
6 Oct 2023
@c:frei.chatJC changed their profile picture.11:20:18
@norbert.tretkowski:matrix.netzbegruenung.deNorbert Tretkowski joined the room.16:57:06
@halcyon73:matrix.orghalcyon left the room.17:18:49
@daedmon:matrix.orgDaemon left the room.18:26:10
8 Oct 2023
@goldmaster:matrix.orgGoldmaster joined the room.22:29:50
9 Oct 2023
@aeleoglyphic1:matrix.orgaeleoglyphic they/them changed their display name from RD fan they/them to aeleoglyphic they/them.00:39:47
@aeleoglyphic1:matrix.orgaeleoglyphic they/them changed their profile picture.00:55:23
11 Oct 2023
@kanodecat:matrix.orgkanodecat joined the room.07:02:16
@obfusk:matrix.orgFay (she/her) changed their display name from FC (they/them) to Fay (she/her).20:54:37
13 Oct 2023
@kanodecat:matrix.orgkanodecat left the room.01:40:30
14 Oct 2023
@critdroid:matrix.orgcritdroid joined the room.13:33:19
@aeharding:matrix.orgaeharding joined the room.19:54:13
15 Oct 2023
@wejklhrlsdkfj23:matrix.orgwejklhrlsdkfj23 joined the room.00:58:05
@wejklhrlsdkfj23:matrix.orgwejklhrlsdkfj23 left the room.01:06:29
@mat:allpurposem.atAll-Purpose Mat joined the room.09:47:09
@m:b3.hkWenri joined the room.15:49:24
16 Oct 2023
@anedroid:cybre.spaceanedroid (old) - go to @anedroid1:pragma-messenger.ch changed their display name from anedroid (old) to anedroid (old) - go to @anedroid1:pragma-messenger.ch.21:29:07
19 Oct 2023
@mollywop:xwaretech.netdegenerative wiggeritis changed their display name from liminal space cowboy to mooninperson (ov color bruv).04:24:38

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