
256 Members
Come and join this space if you are interested or somehow related to F-Droid! Here you can find everybody and everything in Matrix around the F-Droid universe. Some links: - official website: f-droid.org - F-Droid Forum: forum.f-droid.org - source code: gitlab.com/fdroid62 Servers

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15 Oct 2023
@mat:allpurposem.atAll-Purpose Mat joined the room.09:47:09
@m:b3.hkWenri joined the room.15:49:24
16 Oct 2023
@anedroid:cybre.spaceanedroid (old) - go to @anedroid:pol.social changed their display name from anedroid (old) to anedroid (old) - go to @anedroid1:pragma-messenger.ch.21:29:07
19 Oct 2023
@mollywop:xwaretech.netdegenerative wiggeritis changed their display name from liminal space cowboy to mooninperson (ov color bruv).04:24:38
@mollywop:xwaretech.netdegenerative wiggeritis changed their display name from mooninperson (ov color bruv) to mooninperson (innit).04:25:22
@spaziale:mozilla.orgSpaziale joined the room.21:53:58
@deimos:nitro.chatdeimos✅ joined the room.22:59:03
20 Oct 2023
@nyxaion:matrix.orgnyxaion joined the room.08:49:55
@r522:matrix.org522 joined the room.23:56:01
21 Oct 2023
@pk3:kde.orgakp joined the room.21:31:40
22 Oct 2023
@roamer4223:matrix.orgroamer4223 joined the room.01:03:25
@mdalch:matrix.orgmdalch joined the room.13:21:31
@qa123456ws:matrix.orgqa123456ws joined the room.17:07:01
@bartlomiejsokolowski:matrix.orgjk joined the room.23:36:13
@bartlomiejsokolowski:matrix.orgjk changed their display name from bartlomiejsokolowski to jk.23:39:53
23 Oct 2023
@akira_nozomi:matrix.orgAkira_Nozomi joined the room.11:35:37
@martinnemi:matrix.orgMartin joined the room.16:43:13
25 Oct 2023
@basilgello:matrix.orgbasilgello joined the room.02:59:54
@cnevygou:unredacted.orgpatrick joined the room.06:40:56
@cnevygou:unredacted.orgpatrick left the room.06:47:03
@basilgello:matrix.orgbasilgello left the room.14:11:57
27 Oct 2023
@yukoff:matrix.orgyukoff joined the room.18:11:19
29 Oct 2023
@toshiyukikaito:buyvm.netSateallia joined the room.17:21:09
@irynfedy2017do:matrix.orgirynfedy2017do changed their display name from Irynfedy2017do to irynfedy2017do.19:00:22
@mscw:matrix.orgmscw joined the room.21:53:11
30 Oct 2023
@mscw:matrix.orgmscw left the room.21:28:59
1 Nov 2023
@cidelacomte:matrix.orgcidelacomte joined the room.11:34:03
3 Nov 2023
@sumeragi:matrix.orgsumeragi joined the room.17:22:47
4 Nov 2023
@chisb:matrix.orgБорис Чистяков changed their display name from chisb to Борис Чистяков.09:40:09
@h3xcode:envs.neth3x joined the room.15:56:50

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