
255 Members
Come and join this space if you are interested or somehow related to F-Droid! Here you can find everybody and everything in Matrix around the F-Droid universe. Some links: - official website: f-droid.org - F-Droid Forum: forum.f-droid.org - source code: gitlab.com/fdroid59 Servers

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12 Feb 2024
@fossuser2457:matrix.orgfossuser2457 joined the room.14:49:23
15 Feb 2024
@origincode:m.origincode.meOriginCode joined the room.08:35:52
16 Feb 2024
@i:m.origincode.meCOMPL.EXE joined the room.12:33:16
@i:m.origincode.meCOMPL.EXE changed their display name from 千須末 又「OriginCode」>> 恆言 to :: OriginCode.12:36:32
17 Feb 2024
@chaotic-good:matrix.orgchaotic-good joined the room.05:41:59
@chaotic-good:matrix.orgchaotic-good left the room.05:43:36
@germproof6546:matrix.orgdzr changed their display name from dzr to dalari.09:22:25
@germproof6546:matrix.orgdzr set a profile picture.09:23:31
18 Feb 2024
@sushi:comm.cxwonton changed their profile picture.08:02:05
@astro-ray:matrix.orgastro_ray changed their profile picture.12:31:19
20 Feb 2024
@roamer4223:matrix.orgroamer4223 changed their profile picture.08:29:35
@testman42:matrix.orgtestman joined the room.12:36:25
22 Feb 2024
@michele:giacomo.liMichele Giacomoli joined the room.23:50:14
24 Feb 2024
@spaziale:mozilla.orgSpaziale changed their profile picture.00:11:08
25 Feb 2024
@vicbutko:matrix.orgВіктор Бутко joined the room.23:57:58
26 Feb 2024
@vicbutko:matrix.orgВіктор Бутко left the room.00:16:24
@LjL:matrix.orgLjL joined the room.04:07:41
@confess:matrix.orgstolen laptop, mcdonalds wifi, tor browser changed their display name from regalia to Regal.10:20:09
29 Feb 2024
@teardrops12:matrix.orgteardrops12 left the room.13:07:29
@emma-underscores:matrix.orgunderscores changed their display name from emma-underscores to underscores.19:13:04
1 Mar 2024
@teardrops12:matrix.orgteardrops12 joined the room.00:54:40
2 Mar 2024
@bolnav:matrix.orgbolnav joined the room.13:43:55
@bolnav:matrix.orgbolnav left the room.14:01:29
3 Mar 2024
@zestygrass:fedora.imBill joined the room.23:07:50
4 Mar 2024
@waynkg:matrix.orgWayNKG joined the room.14:49:49
@db9:matrix.orgDB9 joined the room.19:17:41
@bolnav:matrix.orgbolnav joined the room.19:30:12
@bolnav:matrix.orgbolnav left the room.19:37:49
5 Mar 2024
@yukoff:matrix.orgyukoff changed their profile picture.09:27:07
7 Mar 2024
@confess:matrix.orgstolen laptop, mcdonalds wifi, tor browser changed their display name from Regal to regalia.20:45:36

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