
257 Members
Come and join this space if you are interested or somehow related to F-Droid! Here you can find everybody and everything in Matrix around the F-Droid universe. Some links: - official website: f-droid.org - F-Droid Forum: forum.f-droid.org - source code: gitlab.com/fdroid60 Servers

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8 May 2024
@lexea:matrix.orglexea joined the room.08:22:17
@way_nkg:matrix.orgWayNKG left the room.15:02:05
11 May 2024
@casimir:one.ems.hostcasimir joined the room.07:23:11
@lucas:yatrix.orgmigrated to @lucasmz:tchnds.me changed their profile picture.21:53:29
12 May 2024
@halkyon:matrix.orgtizmic joined the room.11:04:46
13 May 2024
@gigahertz8974:matrix.orggigahertz8974 joined the room.07:11:47
14 May 2024
@hunter-wittenborn:matrix.orgHunter Wittenborn joined the room.02:15:53
@lucas:yatrix.orgmigrated to @lucasmz:tchnds.me changed their profile picture.13:19:27
@lucas:yatrix.orgmigrated to @lucasmz:tchnds.me changed their profile picture.13:20:47
@lucas:yatrix.orgmigrated to @lucasmz:tchnds.me changed their profile picture.13:22:58
@kns976dxp6my5edxmdp59v4di7opdbmbup6zbqwvj9vowbfgysw7twnat76gph5px85ssd3apbhwapnfe3o5bhny45ts3ed7vb9bd8srjepodkkgoqfv684utqxk6pzj:matrix.orgWinnerKim joined the room.17:02:40
@kns976dxp6my5edxmdp59v4di7opdbmbup6zbqwvj9vowbfgysw7twnat76gph5px85ssd3apbhwapnfe3o5bhny45ts3ed7vb9bd8srjepodkkgoqfv684utqxk6pzj:matrix.orgWinnerKim changed their display name from Winner to WinnerKim.17:29:46
16 May 2024
@lucas:yatrix.orgmigrated to @lucasmz:tchnds.me set their display name to Lucas.07:35:26
@lucas:yatrix.orgmigrated to @lucasmz:tchnds.me changed their display name from Lucas to Lucas ∞.08:19:17
17 May 2024
@torstenfranck:nitro.chatÞórsteinn left the room.17:54:28
18 May 2024
@lanius_collaris:matrix.orglanius_collaris joined the room.14:21:17
22 May 2024
@ajs124:ajs124.deajs124 joined the room.22:11:33
28 May 2024
@gigahertz8974:matrix.orggigahertz8974 set a profile picture.20:40:15
29 May 2024
@lucas:yatrix.orgmigrated to @lucasmz:tchnds.me changed their display name from Lucas ∞ to Mel ∞.15:48:19
30 May 2024
@lucas:yatrix.orgmigrated to @lucasmz:tchnds.me changed their display name from Mel ∞ to luke ∞.22:46:46
31 May 2024
@gigahertz8974:matrix.orggigahertz8974 removed their profile picture.09:11:28
1 Jun 2024
@anedroid:cybre.spaceanedroid (old) - go to @anedroid1:pragma-messenger.ch changed their display name from anedroid (old) - go to @anedroid1:pragma-messenger.ch to anedroid (old) - go to @anedroid:pol.social.20:03:42
@anedroid:cybre.spaceanedroid (old) - go to @anedroid1:pragma-messenger.ch left the room.20:07:36
2 Jun 2024
@matakawa:matrix.orgmatakawa changed their profile picture.04:27:18
3 Jun 2024
@dpmj:matrix.orgdpmj joined the room.15:11:56
@redstoneparkour:matrix.orgredstoneparkour joined the room.18:02:45
10 Jun 2024
@lucas:yatrix.orgmigrated to @lucasmz:tchnds.me left the room.01:57:07
@toshiyukikaito:buyvm.netSateallia changed their display name from ToshiyukiKaito to Sateallia.05:13:40
11 Jun 2024
@chase.fil:matrix.orgkwarakwante joined the room.12:55:35
12 Jun 2024
@solarizedcobra:matrix.orgsolarizedcobra joined the room.04:10:21

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