F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository

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F-Droid, the free and open source app repository (official room) | https://f-droid.org | https://forum.f-droid.org | https://floss.social/@fdroidorg | #fdroid-space:f-droid.org | For development discussion use #fdroid-dev:f-droid.org | This channel is accesible via IRC, Matrix, Telegram and XMPP | Room history is public | Please don't edit your messages, it is spammy to users on IRC and XMPP330 Servers

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25 Nov 2021
@telegram_981414329:t2bot.ioAnonimus *******Redacted or Malformed Event07:55:32
@_oftc_critr:matrix.orgcritr joined the room.08:41:16
@_oftc_chipox:matrix.orgchipox left the room.08:56:07
@_oftc_busard:matrix.orgbusard joined the room.09:29:09
@telegram_981414329:t2bot.ioAnonimus ******* left the room.09:38:45
@v3rmillion:matrix.orgS3rene joined the room.10:28:28
@_oftc_busard:matrix.orgbusard left the room.10:37:29
@v3rmillion:matrix.orgS3rene set a profile picture.10:50:48
@freeoldman42:matrix.orgBlackMind joined the room.10:56:20
@_oftc_lexik:matrix.orglexik left the room.10:57:24
@telegram_503718128:t2bot.io1962 1962 joined the room.11:54:24
@_oftc_raspbeguy:matrix.orgraspbeguy left the room.12:40:08
@_oftc_raspbeguy:matrix.orgraspbeguy joined the room.12:40:26
@_oftc_raspbeguy:matrix.orgraspbeguy left the room.12:48:37
@_oftc_raspbeguy:matrix.orgraspbeguy joined the room.12:48:40
@_oftc_raspbeguy:matrix.orgraspbeguy left the room.12:49:58
@_oftc_raspbeguy:matrix.orgraspbeguy joined the room.12:50:14
@_oftc_raspbeguy:matrix.orgraspbeguy left the room.12:54:32
@_oftc_raspbeguy:matrix.orgraspbeguy joined the room.12:54:36
@freeoldman42:matrix.orgBlackMind changed their display name from freeoldman42 to BlackMind.13:21:08
@_oftc_binwiederhier:matrix.orgbinwiederhier Hey so dumb question: Once I've opened a merge request to get the app included, what's the process from there? Do I just wait? I see some merge requsts open from months ago, so I'm wondering if there's anything I need to do to move things along _shrug_ 14:07:45
@_oftc_jochensp:matrix.orgjochenspbinwiederhier: wait until a reviewer has time14:09:49
@_oftc_binwiederhier:matrix.orgbinwiederhiercool cool. thanks.14:10:00
@_oftc_binwiederhier:matrix.orgbinwiederhier Just wanted to know if I have any TODOs. :-D Thank you guys for all the cool work you're doing. It's truly amazing to see such a great ecosystem of free software. 14:10:57
@_oftc_bwitt:matrix.orgbwitt joined the room.14:14:46
@_oftc_raspbeguy:matrix.orgraspbeguy left the room.14:19:19
@_oftc_raspbeguy:matrix.orgraspbeguy joined the room.14:19:24
@_oftc_minimal:matrix.orgminimal joined the room.14:23:58
@_oftc_Betal:matrix.orgBetal left the room.16:38:08
@_oftc_Betal:matrix.orgBetal joined the room.16:38:51

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