F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository

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24 Nov 2021
@_oftc_ferty:matrix.orgferty joined the room.17:57:39
@_oftc_binwiederhier:matrix.orgbinwiederhierI think I gave up on it the other day because Android studio was very confused by the flavors, but I was probably doing it wrong17:58:11
@_oftc_pc:matrix.orgpc joined the room.17:58:57
@_oftc_pc:matrix.orgpc left the room.17:58:59
@_oftc_jochensp:matrix.orgjochensphm.. not really an example but I did something like this here: https://github.com/sky-map-team/stardroid/blob/master/app/build.gradle#L7517:58:59
@_oftc_porthj:matrix.orgporthj joined the room.17:59:18
@_oftc_pc:matrix.orgpc joined the room.18:00:27
@_oftc_porthj:matrix.orgporthj left the room.18:00:57
@_oftc_ferty:matrix.orgferty left the room.18:00:58
@_oftc_pc:matrix.orgpc left the room.18:01:05
@_oftc_binwiederhier:matrix.orgbinwiederhier jochensp: thanks. i'll check it out. 18:02:58
@_oftc_lexik:matrix.orglexik joined the room.18:33:03
@_oftc_lexik_:matrix.orglexik_ left the room.18:36:11
@Brainstorm:matrix.orgBrainstormRedacted or Malformed Event18:37:14
@Brainstorm:matrix.orgBrainstormRedacted or Malformed Event18:40:55
@_oftc_z812:matrix.orgz812 left the room.18:45:29
@_oftc_z812:matrix.orgz812 joined the room.18:46:47
@_oftc_z812:matrix.orgz812 left the room.18:47:52
@_oftc_z812:matrix.orgz812 joined the room.18:48:37
@_oftc_perepujal:matrix.orgperepujal joined the room.19:04:00
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@_oftc_neemeesiis:matrix.orgneemeesiis left the room.19:07:18
@dhf238:matrix.orgDHF238 joined the room.19:31:02
@_oftc_fax:matrix.orgfax joined the room.19:48:27
@_oftc_fax:matrix.orgfax left the room.20:47:57
@_oftc_lucenera:matrix.orglucenera left the room.21:30:30
@_oftc_BeachyHead:matrix.orgBeachyHead left the room.23:22:08
@_oftc_BeachyHead:matrix.orgBeachyHead joined the room.23:24:10
@telegram_7752714:t2bot.ioJosé Alb. / SpeedyLjL: is normal having all repo updates from Brainstorm twice in the fediverse (I mean, seeing all of them twice in the fediverse bot, apart from this group)? Earthquake notices only appear once, however.23:28:33
@_oftc_chipox:matrix.orgchipox left the room.23:35:29

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