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22 Sep 2021
@_oftc_lehm:matrix.orglehm left the room.12:50:38
@_oftc_lehm:matrix.orglehm joined the room.12:54:16
In reply to @SylvieLorxu:matrix.org
I recommend not using auto task killers. They tend to break apps in hard to debug ways and Android will automatically remove apps from RAM if it needs more apps, killing apps more often actually increases battery usage
@_oftc_Gues__________________________:matrix.orgGues__________________________ left the room.13:15:08
@_oftc_NoGuest17:matrix.orgNoGuest17 left the room.13:18:21
@quantum_cover:matrix.orgQuantum CoverYou can however (with root access as far as I know), stop apps and disable the ability to autostart. But if you start them you have to remember to stop them again13:23:28
@quantum_cover:matrix.orgQuantum Cover* You can however (with root access as far as I know), stop apps and disable their ability to autostart. But if you start them you have to remember to stop them again13:23:45
@_oftc_jochensp:matrix.orgjochensp joined the room.13:24:30
@_oftc_jochensp:matrix.orgjochensp Quantum Cover: you don't have to stop them, as Sylvia pointed out already could actually be counter productive. 13:24:30
@tepozoa:matrix.orgtepozoaunless it's that PoS Google Home, which I have to kill all the time just to get it to work again for my chromecast. Not all apps are wonderful little jewels, some are steaming piles of turd that need killed. :(13:26:23
@_oftc_jochensp:matrix.orgjochenspthat sounds broken in multiple ways13:27:54
@quantum_cover:matrix.orgQuantum Cover
In reply to @_oftc_jochensp:matrix.org
Quantum Cover: you don't have to stop them, as Sylvia pointed out already could actually be counter productive.
Unless it's bloatware
@quantum_cover:matrix.orgQuantum CoverNo cost is too great13:28:44
@quantum_cover:matrix.orgQuantum Cover* No cost too great13:29:23
@_oftc_jochensp:matrix.orgjochenspI assume you talk about a service, which is just restarted by the Android system so no gain either13:29:24
@tepozoa:matrix.orgtepozoait's been awful forever (Home) - several devices, different WiFi networks, etc. - the Home app just sort of.... stops working. Sometimes a device reboot is even needed, leading me to believe the problem is deeper13:29:38
@quantum_cover:matrix.orgQuantum CoverYou can always disable them13:30:14
@luldwig:tchncs.deluldwig joined the room.13:48:33
@_oftc_NoGuest17:matrix.orgNoGuest17 joined the room.13:49:55
@pixificial:matrix.orgPixificial 🔨Hey, which OS do people here use? Replicant? CalyxOS? /e/? GrapheneOS? LineageOS? Resurrection Remix OS? crDroid? Kali NetHunter?!!!13:52:55
@luldwig:tchncs.deluldwigLineageOS cauz my S10 cant calyx or graphene13:54:02
@tepozoa:matrix.orgtepozoaI use both stock Pixel ROM and CalyxOS. F-Droid for 90% of my apps, everything works great on both OS types, no complaints13:54:19
@luldwig:tchncs.deluldwigWhy isnt the omega laumcher in fdroid?13:54:45
@_oftc_Endur:matrix.orgEndur joined the room.14:03:36
@_oftc_Endur:matrix.orgEndurHey guys, how can i remove the F-Droid Label to have my issue re-reviewed?14:04:02
@_oftc_jochensp:matrix.orgjochenspEndur: which issue?14:07:26
@_oftc_Endur:matrix.orgEndurthis one14:14:16
@_oftc_Endur:matrix.orgEnduri added fastlane support and want the bot to re-review the issue14:14:52

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