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3 Dec 2021
@therealbobandi:matrix.orgbobandi beesoncalyxos has microg by default if you have a pixel phone and i the /e/os does too04:00:07
@therealbobandi:matrix.orgbobandi beeson * calyxos has microg by default if you have a pixel phone and i think /e/os does too04:00:18
@ptilopsisleucotis:matrix.orgPtilopsis LeucotisMicroG has own LineageOS fork with with built-in microG: https://lineage.microg.org/04:22:33
@ptilopsisleucotis:matrix.orgPtilopsis Leucotis* MicroG has own LineageOS fork with built-in microG: https://lineage.microg.org/04:22:50
@_oftc_critr:matrix.orgcritr i'd rather just not use google services at all. 04:30:38
@telegram_899949377:t2bot.ioDamian Russo
In reply to @_oftc_critr:matrix.org
i'd rather just not use google services at all.
That's my goal, not to use anything from google. I just needed to replace google services. /e/ nobes compatible with my phone . it's not in the list.
@_oftc_Yad_:matrix.orgYad_ left the room.05:05:35
@_oftc_JanC:matrix.orgJanC left the room.05:59:46
@_oftc_JanC:matrix.orgJanC joined the room.06:00:00
@telegram_1926801217:t2bot.ioUnsupported User set a profile picture.06:36:42
In reply to @telegram_899949377:t2bot.io
That's my goal, not to use anything from google. I just needed to replace google services. /e/ nobes compatible with my phone . it's not in the list.
Which phone? There is also a GSI (generic system image) that gets put together unofficially that will work if you have a treble device
@_oftc_bwitt:matrix.orgbwitt left the room.07:44:14
@g8beat:matrix.orgg8beat joined the room.07:52:06
@_oftc_Betal:matrix.orgBetal left the room.08:14:12
@Brainstorm:matrix.orgBrainstorm ⟳ f-droid.org from Thu, 02 Dec 2021 17:26:40 GMT updated on Fri, 03 Dec 2021 08:19:37 GMT contains 3670 apps. 4 added: News Provider, Galnet Dictionary, Unexpected Keyboard, Ntfy - PUT/POST to your phone. 37 updated: Tux Paint, Catima — Loyalty Card Wallet, Les Pas - Photo Album for Nextcloud, Wikipedia, IPFS Lite, Grocy: Self-hosted Groceries Management, Warpinator for Android (unofficial), task add, Bubble, Thor Browser, Easy Watermark, VLC, InviZible Pro: increase your security, protect you, tldr man-pages, BusTO, OONI Probe, BluePass, Infinity for Reddit, Telegram FOSS, EinkBro, Kotatsu, Gadgetbridge, URLSanitizer, Wulkanowy, Scoop, RE:INSTEAD, Tasks.org: Open-source To-Do Lists & Reminders, kubenav, Auxio, DroidFS, RunnerUp, FeedWatcher, Nekogram X, Picard Barcode Scanner, Disroot app, raag, Editor. 08:24:37
In reply to @Brainstorm:matrix.org
⟳ f-droid.org from Thu, 02 Dec 2021 17:26:40 GMT updated on Fri, 03 Dec 2021 08:19:37 GMT contains 3670 apps. 4 added: News Provider, Galnet Dictionary, Unexpected Keyboard, Ntfy - PUT/POST to your phone. 37 updated: Tux Paint, Catima — Loyalty Card Wallet, Les Pas - Photo Album for Nextcloud, Wikipedia, IPFS Lite, Grocy: Self-hosted Groceries Management, Warpinator for Android (unofficial), task add, Bubble, Thor Browser, Easy Watermark, VLC, InviZible Pro: increase your security, protect you, tldr man-pages, BusTO, OONI Probe, BluePass, Infinity for Reddit, Telegram FOSS, EinkBro, Kotatsu, Gadgetbridge, URLSanitizer, Wulkanowy, Scoop, RE:INSTEAD, Tasks.org: Open-source To-Do Lists & Reminders, kubenav, Auxio, DroidFS, RunnerUp, FeedWatcher, Nekogram X, Picard Barcode Scanner, Disroot app, raag, Editor.
Why is there always some delay between the updates getting listed on main F-Droid repository and the actual apk becoming available for download? Just tried to upgrade Telegram FOSS and it would not let me because it can't find it, even though it does say there is an update for that application.
@rottenwheel:halogen.cityrottenwheel Sylvia ^. 08:28:38
@_oftc_jochensp:matrix.orgjochensp rottenwheel: apks still need to reach the mirros, please give them some hours. Also Brainstorm is a bot ;) 08:30:58
@SylvieLorxu:matrix.orgSylviaMultiple mirrors, some take a bit longer to sync08:31:06
@SylvieLorxu:matrix.orgSylviaI think there is an issue open about that somewhere but can't check right know08:31:32
@SylvieLorxu:matrix.orgSylviaIt is a known issue but not easy to solve08:31:46
@aliking860:matrix.orgaliking860 left the room.08:44:47
@keverets:librem.onekeveretsHow does Debian handle it?10:44:50
@verahawk:matrix.orgIgnacy Kajdan joined the room.10:30:48
@_oftc_jochensp:matrix.orgjochensp keverets: depends on what you put in your sources.list 10:48:52
@_oftc_jochensp:matrix.orgjochenspnowadays it is mostly deb.debian.org, which is the Fastly CDN10:49:20
@_oftc_jochensp:matrix.orgjochensptraditionally you had only one mirror in there10:50:26
@_oftc_jochensp:matrix.orgjochenspalso, the Debian mirror sync script makes sure to sync all .deb first and the index files last10:51:02
@_oftc_critr:matrix.orgcritr left the room.10:51:59

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