F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository

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1 Aug 2021
@_oftc_jochensp:matrix.orgjochensp left the room.01:17:10
@_oftc_jochensp1:matrix.orgjochensp1 left the room.01:17:12
@_oftc_jochensp:matrix.orgjochensp joined the room.01:17:12
@telegram_827384980:t2bot.ioTarik joined the room.02:52:13
@_oftc_TheAssassin:matrix.orgTheAssassin joined the room.04:04:57
@_oftc_bwitt:matrix.orgbwitt left the room.05:10:06
@_oftc_gaqwas:matrix.orggaqwas joined the room.07:35:40
@_oftc_collector:matrix.orgcollector joined the room.07:44:13
@_oftc_collector:matrix.orgcollector left the room.07:44:47
@awasthir:matrix.orghq३७१९ joined the room.08:14:00
@awasthir:matrix.orghq३७१९Hello! I want to publish an app on fdroid but I found it very difficult due to lack of useful resources. Please guide me through the steps. 08:21:03
@awasthir:matrix.orghq३७१९ changed their display name from Rahul Awasthi to hq३७१९.08:21:32
@_oftc_perepujal:matrix.orgperepujal joined the room.08:23:47
@_oftc_andyrtr:matrix.organdyrtr left the room.08:34:22
@_oftc_andyrtr:matrix.organdyrtr joined the room.08:37:38
@_oftc_perepujal:matrix.orgperepujal left the room.08:40:51
@_oftc_jochensp:matrix.orgjochensp hq३७१९: please read https://f-droid.org/docs/FAQ_-_App_Developers/#wie-erreiche-ich-die-aufnahme-meiner-app 08:48:08
@_oftc_jochensp:matrix.orgjochenspoups, https://f-droid.org/en/docs/FAQ_-_App_Developers/#how-do-i-get-my-app-included08:48:18
@_oftc_Betal:matrix.orgBetal left the room.09:08:25
@_oftc_kenzie:matrix.orgkenzie left the room.09:37:58
@telegram_60924671:t2bot.ioКонстантин Т joined the room.09:50:31
@_oftc_kenzie:matrix.orgkenzie joined the room.09:55:43
@SylvieLorxu:matrix.orgSylvia hq३७१९: If you can't figure it out, you can also create an issue on https://gitlab.com/fdroid/rfp/-/issues to ask someone else to do it for you. But as you can see there's almost 260 issues open there so if you can do it yourself your app will most likely be included faster 09:58:44
@telegram_60924671:t2bot.ioКонстантин ТHello. I noticed that there is a Fennec browser in the f-droid repository. This is Firefox for Android (fenix), but with changes (and patches). Please tell me who decides what changes are made to the browser? Is your f-droid team? Right?10:08:30
@_oftc_jochensp:matrix.orgjochensp Константин Т: the F-Droid team removed trackers and other non free things 10:09:59
@_oftc_Mikaela:matrix.orgMikaela left the room.10:10:20
@telegram_60924671:t2bot.ioКонстантин Т
In reply to @_oftc_jochensp:matrix.org
Константин Т: the F-Droid team removed trackers and other non free things
Are you making changes to the functionality?
@_oftc_Mikaela:matrix.orgMikaela joined the room.10:11:52
@_oftc_jochensp:matrix.orgjochensp depends on what you mean by "functionality", see https://gitlab.com/relan/fennecbuild for what we do 10:13:55
@telegram_60924671:t2bot.ioКонстантин Т
In reply to @_oftc_jochensp:matrix.org
depends on what you mean by "functionality", see https://gitlab.com/relan/fennecbuild for what we do

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