F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository

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15 Jul 2021
@_oftc_Guest886:matrix.orgGuest886 (IRC) left the room.12:23:49
@_oftc_SamantazFox:matrix.orgSamantazFox left the room.12:26:09
@_oftc_Guest888:matrix.orgGuest888 (IRC) left the room.12:26:34
@_oftc_SamantazFox:matrix.orgSamantazFox joined the room.12:27:16
@_oftc_Guest890:matrix.orgGuest890 (IRC) joined the room.12:29:40
@_oftc_SamantazFox:matrix.orgSamantazFox left the room.12:29:40
@_oftc_SamantazFox:matrix.orgSamantazFox joined the room.12:29:56
@_oftc_Guest890:matrix.orgGuest890 (IRC) left the room.12:35:39
@_oftc_SamantazFox:matrix.orgSamantazFox left the room.12:36:02
@_oftc_fling:matrix.orgflingWhich music player does albumartist instead of artist?12:36:11
@_oftc_SamantazFox:matrix.orgSamantazFox joined the room.12:36:42
@_oftc_SamantazFox:matrix.orgSamantazFox left the room.13:09:20
@SylvieLorxu:matrix.orgSylvia fling: I know Vanilla Music allows configuring a lot. I believe this too 16:04:19
@_oftc_Betal:matrix.orgBetal joined the room.16:14:25
@jonsafari:matrix.orgjonsafari joined the room.16:28:43
@_oftc_sproutnikus:matrix.orgsproutnikus left the room.16:34:07
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@_oftc_upekkha:matrix.orgupekkha joined the room.16:56:57
@_oftc_rejoicetreat:matrix.orgrejoicetreat joined the room.17:26:29
@Brainstorm:matrix.orgBrainstorm ⟳ apt.izzysoft.de from Wed, 14 Jul 2021 17:40:21 GMT updated on Thu, 15 Jul 2021 17:35:13 GMT contains 707 apps. 1 added: CameraFileCopy. 6 updated: Legado, Backup (Privacy Friendly), Unchained, Catima — The Libre Card Wallet, Did I Take My Meds?, Standard Notes. 17:42:47
@_oftc_veganaiZe:matrix.orgveganaiZe joined the room.17:59:02
@_oftc_sproutnikus:matrix.orgsproutnikus left the room.18:11:31
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@_oftc_milkt_:matrix.orgmilkt_ joined the room.18:20:34
@_oftc_milkt:matrix.orgmilkt left the room.18:21:10
@_oftc_sproutnikus:matrix.orgsproutnikus left the room.18:36:35
@_oftc_sproutnikus:matrix.orgsproutnikus joined the room.18:39:53
@_oftc_gaqwas:matrix.orggaqwas joined the room.19:04:32
@_oftc_IGImonster:matrix.orgIGImonster joined the room.20:03:49
@_oftc_IGImonster:matrix.orgIGImonster left the room.20:15:12

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