F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository

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18 Jul 2021
@telegram_1764453479:t2bot.ioUrudu joined the room.12:00:24
@telegram_1764453479:t2bot.ioUruduIm new here12:09:16
@telegram_1764453479:t2bot.ioUruduCan't u tell me what's different between termux here and playstore? Because i had heared in forum if they are tell me install in f droid? Hbu gaes?12:11:10
@tuxling:matrix.orgtuxling joined the room.12:19:11
@_oftc_Mikaela:matrix.orgMikaela I understand that some Play Store policy prevents releasing updates there so it's falling behind the F-Droid version, but I haven't followed itclosely 12:19:20
@cyucayne:matrix.orgcyucayne joined the room.12:20:15
In reply to @_oftc_Mikaela:matrix.org
I understand that some Play Store policy prevents releasing updates there so it's falling behind the F-Droid version, but I haven't followed itclosely
Nice info, sangkyu sir
@stephan.meyer:matrix.orgStephan Meyer
In reply to @telegram_1764453479:t2bot.io
Can't u tell me what's different between termux here and playstore? Because i had heared in forum if they are tell me install in f droid? Hbu gaes?
It is more about the increased security features in Android 11 which prevent execution of code. That's why the developers stick to the Android 9 version. See FAQ for detail: https://wiki.termux.com/wiki/FAQ
@_oftc_pit-thelounge:matrix.orgpit-thelounge joined the room.14:44:54
@_oftc_BobbyJr:matrix.orgBobbyJr joined the room.14:45:44
@_oftc_bwitt:matrix.orgbwitt joined the room.15:40:50
@mikaela:feneas.orgmatrix:u/Ciblia:matrix.org left the room.16:00:31
@_oftc_pit-thelounge:matrix.orgpit-thelounge left the room.16:25:02
@_oftc_pit-thelounge:matrix.orgpit-thelounge joined the room.16:25:40
@_oftc_pit-thelounge:matrix.orgpit-thelounge left the room.16:29:27
@_oftc_pit-thelounge:matrix.orgpit-thelounge joined the room.16:29:43
@_oftc_gaqwas:matrix.orggaqwas joined the room.17:03:09
@_oftc_Mikaela:matrix.orgMikaela left the room.17:09:11
@Brainstorm:matrix.orgBrainstorm ⟳ apt.izzysoft.de from Sat, 17 Jul 2021 17:34:13 GMT updated on Sun, 18 Jul 2021 17:31:45 GMT contains 709 apps. 1 added: Native Alpha. 5 updated: Legado, garlic-player, c:geo, Styx Browser, FairEmail. 17:35:23
@_oftc_Betal:matrix.orgBetal joined the room.17:39:45
@Brainstorm:matrix.orgBrainstorm ⟳ rfc2822.gitlab.io from Sun, 18 Jul 2021 17:31:22 GMT updated on Sun, 18 Jul 2021 17:41:55 GMT contains 7 apps. 7 updated: Firefox Klar, Firefox Focus, Firefox, Spotify, Signal, Kiwix, Firefox Beta. 17:41:56
@telegram_1784017979:t2bot.ioNot available changed their display name from Amal to ..18:23:47
@_oftc_perepujal:matrix.orgperepujal joined the room.18:50:37
@lollipopfungus:matrix.orglollipopfungus joined the room.19:33:40
@droit:matrix.orgDroit left the room.20:27:06
@jayler95:matrix.orgJaylerHello everybody. Are there any Twitch FOSS fork?20:29:24
@SylvieLorxu:matrix.orgSylviaTwire supports watching Twitch streams20:33:16
@_oftc_fling:matrix.orgfling left the room.20:44:40
@_oftc_Starmina:matrix.orgStarmina left the room.20:56:05

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