F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository

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12 Jul 2021
@_oftc_john_:matrix.orgjohn_ left the room.22:32:50
@_oftc_qwebirc3092:matrix.orgqwebirc3092 left the room.22:45:34
@_oftc_Starmina_:matrix.orgStarmina_ joined the room.22:51:52
@_oftc_Starmina-:matrix.orgStarmina- joined the room.22:55:25
@_oftc_Starmina-:matrix.orgStarmina- left the room.22:56:53
@_oftc_sproutnikus:matrix.orgsproutnikus left the room.23:00:10
@_oftc_Starmina_:matrix.orgStarmina_ left the room.23:00:23
13 Jul 2021
@biscuitsboars:matrix.orgbiscuitsboars joined the room.00:27:10
@biscuitsboars:matrix.orgbiscuitsboarsRedacted or Malformed Event00:33:52
@biscuitsboars:matrix.orgbiscuitsboarsRedacted or Malformed Event00:34:29
@biscuitsboars:matrix.orgbiscuitsboarsRedacted or Malformed Event00:34:33
@_oftc_veganaiZe:matrix.orgveganaiZe joined the room.00:39:42
@_oftc_jochensp1:matrix.orgjochensp1 joined the room.01:32:34
@_oftc_Betal:matrix.orgBetal left the room.01:32:53
@_oftc_jochensp:matrix.orgjochensp left the room.01:39:05
@_oftc_jochensp:matrix.orgjochensp joined the room.01:39:07
@_oftc_jochensp1:matrix.orgjochensp1 left the room.01:39:07
@lokayata:matrix.orgLokāyata joined the room.02:59:09
@lokayata:matrix.orgLokāyataHello, how do you build android apk's, using the android sdk download, the compile complains of a registration problem...?!03:00:55
@_oftc_gry:matrix.orggryhi, what is the error message?03:07:34
@lokayata:matrix.orgLokāyatalast i tried, said something about a "registration" problem03:08:10
@lokayata:matrix.orgLokāyata"must transfer the licence...." etc03:08:26
@lokayata:matrix.orgLokāyataI mean, how are android developers using the android sdk if I use it out of the box, do they use a special ide !?03:09:15
@lokayata:matrix.orgLokāyata gry: is this a valid point :- f ANDROID_HOME/licenses doesn't exists, flutter doctor will not find Android SDK. 04:17:31
@lokayata:matrix.orgLokāyata * gry: is this a valid point :- if ANDROID_HOME/licenses doesn't exists, flutter doctor will not find Android SDK. 04:17:40
@lokayata:matrix.orgLokāyata * gry: is this a valid point :- if ANDROID_HOME/licenses doesn't exists, flutter doctor will not find Android SDK. ; flutter is just a build env, any env....if the env doesnt find a licenses file...?! 04:18:36
In reply to @_oftc_gry:matrix.org
I have never found licenses mentioned .....its a secret
@_oftc_gry:matrix.orggry i'd suggest to ask #android-root at libera.chat 04:19:21
@_oftc_gry:matrix.orggry that's the closest to a channel about android sdk that i've got 04:19:35

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