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11 Sep 2021
@Brainstorm:matrix.orgBrainstormRedacted or Malformed Event17:38:15
@arfromthelane:matrix.orgarfromthelane joined the room.17:42:17
@Brainstorm:matrix.orgBrainstorm ⟳ apt.izzysoft.de from Fri, 10 Sep 2021 17:40:07 GMT updated on Sat, 11 Sep 2021 17:36:54 GMT contains 736 apps. 6 updated: JADA, FairEmail, Network Survey+, De-Bloater, Catima β€” The Libre Card Wallet, Zap. 17:46:37
@arfromthelane:matrix.orgarfromthelane left the room.17:47:08
@_oftc_qwebirc43811:matrix.orgqwebirc43811Hold on17:48:44
@_oftc_fax:matrix.orgfax left the room.17:52:23
@_oftc_fax_:matrix.orgfax_ joined the room.17:52:24
@_oftc_qwebirc43811:matrix.orgqwebirc43811 F-Droid: Error getting F-Droid index file => failed to connect to / (port 9050) from / (port 49804) after 10000ms: isConnected failed: ECONNREFUSED (Connection refused) 17:53:22
@_oftc_qwebirc43811:matrix.orgqwebirc43811That is the whole error message17:53:32
@_oftc_qwebirc43811:matrix.orgqwebirc43811 Plus the app displays a "No recent apps found" on the homepage 17:53:56
@deimos:kde.orgdeimosDo you have a proxy server setup?17:55:52
@_oftc_qwebirc43811:matrix.orgqwebirc43811Not that I am aware of17:56:24
@deimos:kde.orgdeimosECONNREFUSED is normally a proxy message17:56:36
@_oftc_qwebirc43811:matrix.orgqwebirc43811Thanks for that. I will look at the OS setup then.17:58:01
@_oftc_qwebirc43811:matrix.orgqwebirc43811I do use a VPN though.17:58:08
@obfusk:matrix.org幸猫 (𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗒/𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗆) qwebirc43811: I think you accidentally enabled "use tor" in the f-droid app settings. 17:58:22
@deimos:kde.orgdeimosThe 9050 stands out. 17:58:44
@deimos:kde.orgdeimosTo me at least17:58:49
@obfusk:matrix.org幸猫 (𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗒/𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗆)I get the same error when I enable "use tor" (and don't have orbot installed).17:59:18
@_oftc_qwebirc43811:matrix.orgqwebirc43811Awwwww. If I enable this setting, do I have to launch Orbot for clearing that issue?17:59:28
@_oftc_qwebirc43811:matrix.orgqwebirc43811I do have Orbot installed though.17:59:41
@_oftc_qwebirc43811:matrix.orgqwebirc43811Thanks for that. It works properly now.18:00:34
@obfusk:matrix.org幸猫 (𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗒/𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗆)maybe orbot wasn't running?18:00:53
@_oftc_qwebirc43811:matrix.orgqwebirc43811It was not.18:02:10
@telegram_1316330306:t2bot.ioJames BondInstagram alternative18:02:29
@_oftc_qwebirc43811:matrix.orgqwebirc43811Thank you very much for your help!18:02:53
@obfusk:matrix.org幸猫 (𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗒/𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗆)
In reply to @deimos:kde.org
The 9050 stands out.
my first thought on seeing the error was: "that port seems familiar. could it be tor?"
@_oftc_qwebirc43811:matrix.orgqwebirc43811Thanks a lot guys!18:04:36
@_oftc_qwebirc43811:matrix.orgqwebirc43811I now will start Orbot at 100% of the time18:04:56
@aqs3r:matrix.orgaqs3r joined the room.18:05:33

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