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11 Sep 2021
@_oftc_stephan48:matrix.orgstephan48 left the room.14:16:31
@_oftc_milkt:matrix.orgmilkt left the room.14:17:23
@cfwtn:matrix.org@cfwtn:matrix.orghey, does anyone know any open source calculator that has factorials in it?14:26:22
@_oftc_milkt:matrix.orgmilkt joined the room.14:27:32
@obfusk:matrix.org幸猫 (𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗒/𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗆)
In reply to @cfwtn:matrix.org
hey, does anyone know any open source calculator that has factorials in it?
the calculator that comes with lineageos has factorials.
@_oftc_jochensp:matrix.orgjochensp cfwtn: https://f-droid.org/de/packages/org.icasdri.mather/ 14:29:46
In reply to @obfusk:matrix.org
the calculator that comes with lineageos has factorials.
got it, thanks!
In reply to @_oftc_jochensp:matrix.org
cfwtn: https://f-droid.org/de/packages/org.icasdri.mather/
thanks as well, but it's a bit more advanced than what I needed
@_oftc_stephan48:matrix.orgstephan48 joined the room.14:33:57
@_oftc_tepozoa:matrix.orgtepozoa Izzy: could I feature request a "1 year" time in the "Updates since" and "Lastbuild since" dropdowns? there's a big gap betweem 1 month and 3+ years, like if you put in "xmpp" in the main FDroid repo search, nothing except "all" actually works since all updates seem to be > 1mo and < 3y 14:47:22
@_oftc_tepozoa:matrix.orgtepozoa for some reason, a search for "xmpp" (or XMPP) is missing a lot of apps like Conversations, something's not right with the search - if I put in "Conversations" then it and all the forks of it show up 14:50:36
@_oftc_Izzy:matrix.orgIzzy tepozoa: careful. The "3+ years" is an inverted search (oldest first) and mainly intended to check what was not updated for a long time, so you can check if it still works at all or what might have gone wrong with (missed) updates. 14:55:49
@_oftc_Izzy:matrix.orgIzzy As for the search: complain to MySQL/MariaDB (it's a simple full-text search). Or check if something's missing in the apps' descriptions. If "XMPP" isn't mentioned, searching for that term cannot surface it. 14:56:45
@_oftc_tepozoa:matrix.orgtepozoa ok on the second one, my bad - "all" format is not reverse chronological order, I found the hits down a few pages. I did not notice it's in "whatever random order" so that's cool 14:59:00
@_oftc_tepozoa:matrix.orgtepozoa but the first one, I don't understand your comment - if I want to find recently updated xmpp apps within the last year, it's not really possible if they are >3mo 14:59:39
@_oftc_Izzy:matrix.orgIzzyYeah, I just tried and found Conversations at pos 14 when searching for XMPP.15:15:52
@_oftc_Izzy:matrix.orgIzzy And well, "updated within the last year"… hm, rarely used. You're the first asking for that actually. 15:17:03
@_oftc_bwitt:matrix.orgbwitt joined the room.15:18:16
* @_oftc_tepozoa:matrix.orgtepozoa nods15:19:39
@_oftc_tepozoa:matrix.orgtepozoa (meta) I tend to look for apps which have shown *some* activity in the past year, there's a lot of abandonware out there 15:22:14
@_oftc_Izty_:matrix.orgIzty_ left the room.15:30:16
@_oftc_Izzy:matrix.orgIzzy Makes sense. Luckily, adding new intervals is pretty easy – seems like I've thought of that when writing up that code. 15:34:23
@_oftc_Izzy:matrix.orgIzzyGo ahead, search.15:34:32
@_oftc_Izzy:matrix.orgIzzytepozoa: ^^15:35:18
@_oftc_Izzy:matrix.orgIzzy Note the new intervals are automatically added for all time filters. So it's not only "updated since", but also "added since" and "built since" which now have the filters for "3 months" and "1 year" added. 15:36:41
@_oftc_tepozoa:matrix.orgtepozoa nice!! thanks, it seems great - I used "matrix" this time w/1yr Updated Since and see everything back to January :) 15:37:53
@_oftc_tepozoa:matrix.orgtepozoamuch appreciated!15:37:56
@_oftc_Izzy:matrix.orgIzzyGlad you like it – enjoy!15:38:14
@_oftc_Izty:matrix.orgIzty joined the room.15:39:35
@_oftc_Mikaela:matrix.orgMikaela left the room.15:39:36

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