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9 Sep 2021
@hik:kde.org🏔️hikbecause not all people need the 300 plugins15:15:27
@cos:hacklab.ficos joined the room.15:15:42
@cos:hacklab.ficosHello, sorry if this is FAQ but is it possible to get RSS feed for specific package updates?15:17:06
@cos:hacklab.ficosIt would be nice to get notifications of new updates on project rooms15:17:39
@_oftc_jochensp:matrix.orgjochensp cos: not really implemented, currently 15:17:57
@cos:hacklab.ficosOk, thanks anyway. Would be a nice feature.15:21:10
@_oftc_jochensp:matrix.orgjochensp cos: you are welcome to implement it :) 15:21:30
@cos:hacklab.ficosYeah, but I'm already drowning in existing projects :-915:22:09
@cos:hacklab.ficos * Yeah, but I'm already drowning in existing projects :-)15:22:11
@_oftc_jochensp:matrix.orgjochenspI know that feeling..15:22:23
@_xmpp_darhma=40disroot.org:matrix.orgdarhma changed their display name from darhmaxmpp to darhma.15:24:47
@_xmpp_darhma=40disroot.org:matrix.orgdarhma changed their display name from darhma to darhmaxmpp.15:24:49
@_oftc_Starmina:matrix.orgStarmina left the room.15:25:06
@telegram_1921887035:t2bot.ioJ. changed their display name from A. to J..15:35:49
@_oftc_dhwohrom^:matrix.orgdhwohrom^ joined the room.15:42:19
@_oftc_Izzy:matrix.orgIzzy left the room.16:07:06
@bolnav:matrix.orgbolnav joined the room.16:09:42
In reply to @cos:hacklab.fi
Hello, sorry if this is FAQ but is it possible to get RSS feed for specific package updates?
If you go to https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata/-/commits/master there's an RSS icon in the right top. If you RSS reader supports some kind of filtering option I think that will be perfect for you?
@bolnav:matrix.orgbolnav left the room.16:14:12
@SylvieLorxu:matrix.orgSylviaDepending on what you want you either want to filter for the metadata (when new updates are detected) or the known_apks.txt file (list of all published packages)16:16:09
@uume9:matrix.orguume9 joined the room.16:38:16
@_oftc_Izzy:matrix.orgIzzy joined the room.16:46:17
@_oftc_Betal:matrix.orgBetal joined the room.16:53:58
@_oftc_Nex8192_:matrix.orgNex8192_ joined the room.17:37:33
@Brainstorm:matrix.orgBrainstormRedacted or Malformed Event17:38:13
@_oftc_Nex8192:matrix.orgNex8192 left the room.17:39:56
@_oftc_chipox:matrix.orgchipox left the room.17:50:22
@_oftc_JVQuantum:matrix.orgJVQuantum joined the room.17:50:31
@Brainstorm:matrix.orgBrainstorm ⟳ apt.izzysoft.de from Wed, 08 Sep 2021 17:37:02 GMT updated on Thu, 09 Sep 2021 17:40:14 GMT contains 737 apps. 8 updated: Legado, Test DPC, Nova Video Player, InviZible Pro: increase your security, protect you, FairEmail, Lawnchair, c:geo, ShoppingList. 17:50:33
@telegram_162617906:t2bot.io𝗛𝗮𝗹𝗶𝘀Does some know, why F-Droid is sometimes not suggesting updates? Example: OsmAnd+ 3.9.10 installed OsmAnd+ 4.0.7 available, but not suggested or ahown in "updates"-tab18:02:21

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