F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository

8879 Members
F-Droid, the free and open source app repository (official room) | https://f-droid.org | https://forum.f-droid.org | https://floss.social/@fdroidorg | #fdroid-space:f-droid.org | For development discussion use #fdroid-dev:f-droid.org | This channel is accesible via IRC, Matrix, Telegram and XMPP | Room history is public | Please don't edit your messages, it is spammy to users on IRC and XMPP380 Servers

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8 Sep 2021
@wuuko:matrix.orgŞişio changed their display name from Wuuko to Şişio.21:42:25
@wuuko:matrix.orgŞişio removed their profile picture.21:43:50
@_oftc_milkt:matrix.orgmilkt joined the room.21:58:45
@_oftc_fax:matrix.orgfax left the room.22:44:37
@confusibailari:matrix.orgConfusiBailari joined the room.23:00:03
@confusibailari:matrix.orgConfusiBailari changed their display name from confusibailari to ConfusiBailari.23:04:09
@confusibailari:matrix.orgConfusiBailari set a profile picture.23:04:58
@medworthy:minds.comMark Edworthy changed their profile picture.23:14:52
9 Sep 2021
@_oftc_pwoieb:matrix.orgpwoieb joined the room.00:05:26
@_oftc_pwoieb:matrix.orgpwoieb left the room.00:06:03
@_oftc_Prints:matrix.orgPrints joined the room.00:32:44
@_oftc_jochensp1:matrix.orgjochensp1 joined the room.01:23:21
@_oftc_jochensp:matrix.orgjochensp left the room.01:29:49
@_oftc_jochensp:matrix.orgjochensp joined the room.01:29:51
@_oftc_jochensp1:matrix.orgjochensp1 left the room.01:29:51
@_oftc_nuh^:matrix.orgnuh^ joined the room.01:44:39
@_oftc_Nex8192:matrix.orgNex8192 left the room.02:16:10
@_oftc_Nex8192:matrix.orgNex8192 joined the room.02:16:52
@_oftc_collector:matrix.orgcollector joined the room.02:58:22
@_oftc_collector:matrix.orgcollector left the room.02:58:36
@_oftc_Prints:matrix.orgPrints left the room.04:38:30
@_oftc_bwitt_:matrix.orgbwitt_ joined the room.05:08:45
@_oftc_bwitt:matrix.orgbwitt left the room.05:08:55
@_oftc_bwitt__:matrix.orgbwitt__ joined the room.05:09:09
@_oftc_bwitt_:matrix.orgbwitt_ left the room.05:16:55
@_oftc_bwitt__:matrix.orgbwitt__ left the room.05:36:47
@_oftc_jochensp:matrix.orgjochensp left the room.05:43:36
@_oftc_jochensp:matrix.orgjochensp joined the room.06:24:48
@_oftc_jochensp:matrix.orgjochensp left the room.06:25:15
@_oftc_jochensp:matrix.orgjochensp joined the room.06:27:34

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