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8 Sep 2021
@checkmate1984:matrix.orgGR73NHa97jL98HjIhello, do you advise/know a good file explorer? Thanks!11:25:39
@checkmate1984:matrix.orgGR73NHa97jL98HjI * hello, do you advise/know a good file manager? Thanks!11:26:24
@blippitybloopy:privacytools.ioblippity bloopy
In reply to @checkmate1984:matrix.org
hello, do you advise/know a good file manager? Thanks!
You can use the file operation tools that come with Termux
In reply to @blippitybloopy:privacytools.io
You can use the file operation tools that come with Termux
reasonable enough, thanks!
@telegram_926402425:t2bot.ioTom joined the room.12:29:49
@_oftc_tepozoa:matrix.orgtepozoa GR73NHa97jL98HjI: I like "Material Files" https://f-droid.org/en/packages/me.zhanghai.android.files/ 13:11:10
@_oftc_qwebirc82228:matrix.orgqwebirc82228 joined the room.13:36:01
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@_oftc_nctcf^:matrix.orgnctcf^ left the room.13:56:55
@telegram_112174720:t2bot.ioSiro joined the room.14:08:21
@_oftc_raspbeguy:matrix.orgraspbeguy left the room.14:59:42
@_oftc_Starmina_:matrix.orgStarmina_ joined the room.15:00:03
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@yatanna75:matrix.orgallan kelly joined the room.15:28:35
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@dreamhash:fairydust.spacevoidhash (has changed religion and doesn't represent his past anymore) [account deleted] removed their profile picture.15:31:43
@dreamhash:fairydust.spacevoidhash (has changed religion and doesn't represent his past anymore) [account deleted] removed their display name voidhash (has changed religion and doesn't represent his past anymore) [account deleted].15:31:59
@dreamhash:fairydust.spacevoidhash (has changed religion and doesn't represent his past anymore) [account deleted] left the room.15:32:10
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@_oftc_chipox:matrix.orgchipox left the room.16:00:10
@_oftc_Betal:matrix.orgBetal joined the room.16:09:29
@_oftc_IzzyOnDroid:matrix.orgIzzyOnDroid joined the room.16:59:31
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