F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository

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16 Sep 2021
@_oftc_NoGuest17:matrix.orgNoGuest17 joined the room.18:35:56
@blippitybloopy:privacytools.ioblippity bloopy
In reply to @SylvieLorxu:matrix.org
Sorry but how is a random proprietary game relevant to F-Droid?
Yah, we only install libre games from F-droid
@_oftc_Betal:matrix.orgBetal joined the room.18:55:16
@_oftc_juri_:matrix.orgjuri_games? gamify life. that way if you win, you win!18:55:17
@SylvieLorxu:matrix.orgSylviaTalking about libre games... https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon/ is pretty awesome18:58:11
@blippitybloopy:privacytools.ioblippity bloopyI haven't played that one yet18:58:32
@_oftc_tepozoa:matrix.orgtepozoaMilli is suprising challenging18:59:38
@_oftc_tepozoa:matrix.orgtepozoa(I think I got that name right)18:59:45
@_oftc_tepozoa:matrix.orgtepozoa it's like go, but simpler/quicker to play 18:59:59
@_oftc_caef^:matrix.orgcaef^ left the room.19:01:30
@blippitybloopy:privacytools.ioblippity bloopy I wonder why the infamous Mindustry game has not been updated to version 6.0 Build 126.2 on F-droid yet. 19:05:10
@_oftc_andyrtr:matrix.organdyrtr left the room.20:01:14
@_oftc_andyrtr:matrix.organdyrtr joined the room.20:01:58
@andreas:schildbach.deAndreas I'm not sure if this is a known fact: If you're using F-Droid on a phone with a Google Account, and if you've activated "Advanced Protection" for your account, it will cause your phone to not allow installations from sources other than Google Play. This means you can't install the F-Droid client, and if you had that installed already F-Droid won't be able to install or update apps. You can still use adb to manually push apps though. 20:28:06
@blippitybloopy:privacytools.ioblippity bloopy Andreas: good to know 20:34:06
@blippitybloopy:privacytools.ioblippity bloopy sigh 20:36:26
@_xmpp_darhma=40disroot.org:matrix.orgdarhma changed their display name from darhmaxmpp to darhma.20:41:32
@_xmpp_darhma=40disroot.org:matrix.orgdarhma changed their display name from darhma to darhmaxmpp.20:41:34
@ucantcme59:matrix.orgucantcme59 joined the room.20:43:56
@epicanis:squirrel.dogphilosophy.netepicanis "enhanced" protection sounds like a euphemism to me. See also: "enhanced interrogation" 21:03:22
In reply to @andreas:schildbach.de
I'm not sure if this is a known fact: If you're using F-Droid on a phone with a Google Account, and if you've activated "Advanced Protection" for your account, it will cause your phone to not allow installations from sources other than Google Play. This means you can't install the F-Droid client, and if you had that installed already F-Droid won't be able to install or update apps. You can still use adb to manually push apps though.
Makes sense for people who are susceptible to downloading sketchy apks
@spacingbat3:matrix.orgSpacingBat3 joined the room.21:29:55
@_oftc_fax:matrix.orgfax joined the room.21:47:31
@_oftc_NoGuest17:matrix.orgNoGuest17 left the room.21:57:15
@hainish:matrix.orghainish joined the room.22:24:56
@_oftc_fax:matrix.orgfax left the room.22:26:23
@grum3:matrix.orgπŸƒ changed their display name from πŸƒΨ¬ΩˆΩƒΨ± Ω…Ω„ΩƒΩŠ to πŸƒ Γ—ΒΆ.22:30:19
@grum3:matrix.orgπŸƒ changed their display name from πŸƒ Γ—ΒΆ to πŸ–•πŸƒπŸ€Ÿ.22:32:10
@grum3:matrix.orgπŸƒ changed their display name from πŸ–•πŸƒπŸ€Ÿ to πŸ–•πŸƒπŸ€Ÿ__________________________________________________________________.22:34:21

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