19 Jul 2021 |
| Starmina left the room. | 08:59:31 |
| Starmina joined the room. | 09:00:38 |
| qwebirc94499 joined the room. | 09:50:34 |
| qwebirc94499 left the room. | 09:52:03 |
| sproutnikus joined the room. | 10:32:31 |
| perepujal joined the room. | 11:06:34 |
| rejoicetreat left the room. | 11:09:55 |
| perepujal left the room. | 11:29:05 |
| sproutnikus left the room. | 12:10:06 |
| sproutnikus joined the room. | 12:11:58 |
| Starmina left the room. | 12:23:50 |
| fling left the room. | 12:34:20 |
| Starmina joined the room. | 12:43:22 |
| fling joined the room. | 13:36:38 |
| perepujal joined the room. | 13:39:33 |
| rejoicetreat joined the room. | 13:42:18 |
| fling left the room. | 13:46:38 |
| fling joined the room. | 13:59:07 |
| veganaiZe joined the room. | 14:12:31 |
| veganaiZe left the room. | 14:13:46 |
| perepujal left the room. | 14:30:16 |
| qwebirc86281 joined the room. | 15:11:43 |
| qwebirc86281 left the room. | 15:13:11 |
| chaote joined the room. | 15:34:28 |
| Elimz joined the room. | 16:06:41 |
| Elimz changed their display name from Laith to Elimz. | 16:09:02 |
| avgmovieguy joined the room. | 16:22:39 |
| avgmovieguy left the room. | 16:23:26 |
| konrad changed their profile picture. | 16:24:50 |
| ablutor left the room. | 16:47:15 |