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16 Jul 2023
@srr24x7:envs.netsrr24x7 https://edition.cnn.com/2023/04/02/tech/china-pinduoduo-malware-cybersecurity-analysis-intl-hnk/index.html 09:40:53

I find this part of the article particularly interesting:

Most of the exploits were tailor made for customized parts known as the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) code, which tends to be audited less often than AOSP and is therefore more prone to vulnerabilities, he said.

@srr24x7:envs.netsrr24x7 *

I find this part of the article to be particularly interesting:

Most of the exploits were tailor made for customized parts known as the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) code, which tends to be audited less often than AOSP and is therefore more prone to vulnerabilities, he said.

In reply to @srr24x7:envs.net
Paywalled. Needs at least an account to read.
Ah, it's firewalld in china so I didn't check that...
@srr24x7:envs.netsrr24x7China? I'm not from China...10:04:27
@srr24x7:envs.netsrr24x7Or are you saying that you're from China?10:04:57
@srr24x7:envs.netsrr24x7Ah, ok10:05:42
17 Jul 2023
@michael:downey.netMichael Downey changed their display name from Michael Downey (conference week/end) to Michael Downey.14:29:05
18 Jul 2023
@distopico:matrix.orgDistopico joined the room.05:40:01
21 Jul 2023
@enigma9o7:matrix.orgenigma9o7wo hui shuo zhongguohua (putonghua)06:32:22
@rdfg77:kde.orglinsuiThen why not join https://matrix.to/#/#fdroid-zh:f-droid.org?06:32:53
@enigma9o7:matrix.orgenigma9o7bu hui kan06:33:31
@enigma9o7:matrix.orgenigma9o7bu hui kan hanzi06:33:59
@rdfg77:kde.orglinsuiYou can talk with pinyin...06:35:09
@enigma9o7:matrix.orgenigma9o7shou de hao06:35:10
@rdfg77:kde.orglinsuiBut if you use pinyin then no one here can understand you since it can't be translated...06:35:56
@SylvieLorxu:matrix.orgSylvia*sigh* GDPR enforcement is a joke10:16:51
23 Jul 2023
@zexu:matrix.orgzexu changed their profile picture.12:02:19
@michael:downey.netMichael Downey changed their display name from Michael Downey to Michael Downey (👣 conf. thru Sat.).20:14:59
27 Jul 2023
@uniq:matrix.orguniq joined the room.13:38:35
@festplattenschnitzel:matrix.orgFestplattenSchnitzel From https://forum.fairphone.com/t/lets-have-some-fun/38998/152 18:06:55
Download 68b9903de9bdb69d688eb57be1129de53d60197d.jpeg
29 Jul 2023
@kudzu:mozilla.orgkudzu joined the room.05:03:09
@michael:downey.netMichael Downey changed their display name from Michael Downey (👣 conf. thru Sat.) to Michael Downey.12:12:34
31 Jul 2023
@alxgx21:matrix.orgGuillermo Brito joined the room.15:56:59
4 Aug 2023
@stencil:matrix.orgPassiing joined the room.15:00:26

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