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15 Apr 2022
@cdesai:matrix.orgcdeDid you mean to bump it for nearby, we also need to bump fdroidclient? 18:47:57
@cdesai:matrix.orgcdeor maybe you meant just that list18:49:07
@cdesai:matrix.orgcde NGENGE SENIOR: if you bump only nearby to 30, add requestLegacyStorage, what else would it need to work? Just nearby, forget client. 18:49:36
@ngengesenior:matrix.orgNGENGE SENIOR
In reply to @cdesai:matrix.org
requestLegacyStorage will work with 30

From what I have seen, this will not work for 30. Read the below caution from the Android developer documentation.

Caution: After you update your app to target Android 11 (API level 30), the system ignores the requestLegacyExternalStorage attribute when your app is running on Android 11 devices, so your app must be ready to support scoped storage and to migrate app data for users on those devices.

You can check https://developer.android.com/training/data-storage/use-cases#opt-out-scoped-storage .

Targeting 30 means you must actually be ready for scoped storage

@ngengesenior:matrix.orgNGENGE SENIOR
In reply to @cdesai:matrix.org
requestLegacyStorage will work with 30

From what I have seen, this will not work for 30. Read the below caution from the Android developer documentation.

Caution: After you update your app to target Android 11 (API level 30), the system
 ignores the requestLegacyExternalStorage attribute when your app is 
running on Android 11 devices, so your app must be ready to support
 scoped storage and to migrate app data for users on those devices.

You can check https://developer.android.com/training/data-storage/use-cases#opt-out-scoped-storage .

Targeting 30 means you must actually be ready for scoped storage

@ngengesenior:matrix.orgNGENGE SENIOR
In reply to @cdesai:matrix.org
or maybe you meant just that list
I will need to work on the same issue on the client.
@cdesai:matrix.orgcdeI'm so sorry, I mixed things up again.18:58:54
@cdesai:matrix.orgcdethis targets 31 right now, requests access to all files, and works fine19:01:07
@cdesai:matrix.orgcdeso you can do the same for now I'd say19:01:12
@ngengesenior:matrix.orgNGENGE SENIOR The whole thing about scoped storage is really stupid and makes things unnecessarily complicated. I don't know how Google comes up with these 19:01:31
@cdesai:matrix.orgcdefor most apps it makes sense19:01:40
@ngengesenior:matrix.orgNGENGE SENIOR
In reply to @cdesai:matrix.org
this targets 31 right now, requests access to all files, and works fine
Okay. Let me check it. Thanks
@cdesai:matrix.orgcdeeven our app, why should fdroid have access to all files19:01:48
@cdesai:matrix.orgcdehttps://gitlab.com/AuroraOSS/AuroraStore/-/blob/master/app/src/main/java/com/aurora/store/view/ui/onboarding/PermissionsFragment.kt#L143 here it asks the user to enable the permission19:02:12
@cdesai:matrix.orgcde Intent(Settings.ACTION_MANAGE_ALL_FILES_ACCESS_PERMISSION) 19:02:19
@cdesai:matrix.orgcdeI'm hoping that this part is a quick thing, so you can get all the other work done as needed for sdk 30 (or even 31)19:06:25
@cdesai:matrix.orgcdeand then we can circle back to this and fix it properly19:06:30
@ngengesenior:matrix.orgNGENGE SENIOR
In reply to @cdesai:matrix.org
Yes definitely
@namazso:namazso.eunamazso jochensp: i ended up implementing signing after all, in the most terrible way possible: https://pastebin.com/bUZuaGDu 19:32:10
@namazso:namazso.eunamazsoit passes jarsigner -verify19:32:33
@_oftc_jochensp:matrix.orgjochenspnice :)19:33:26
@_oftc_Licaon_Kter[xmpp]:matrix.orgLicaon_Kter[xmpp]_hc: 19:35:59
@_oftc_Licaon_Kter[xmpp]:matrix.orgLicaon_Kter[xmpp] > <Licaon_Kter[xmpp]> "azure-1000 after reboot it's now..." <- donno what happened, I think I got it going again. 19:35:59
@_oftc_Licaon_Kter[xmpp]:matrix.orgLicaon_Kter[xmpp]Will check asap, thanks19:35:59
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcazure-1000 and buster are running makebuilserver now20:17:45
@_oftc_Licaon_Kter[xmpp]:matrix.orgLicaon_Kter[xmpp]_hc: sorry if I keep breaking them, then again I hope we learn something out of these issues :P20:48:47
16 Apr 2022
@proletarius101:matrix.orgproletarius101And helps a lot for user privacy and security. Apps just arbitrarily scan personal files without any consents.00:18:41
@namazso:namazso.eunamazso can i ask in index v1 why there's sig which is hex(md5(hex(signer_cert_as_der))) and signer which is hex(sha256(signer_cert_as_der)) ? 03:54:56
@_oftc_jochensp:matrix.orgjochensp namazso: I don't know, maybe check the git history 03:58:53

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