F-Droid Devs

99 Members
F-Droid development discussion only | Use #fdroid:f-droid.org for general, app- and repo-related matters | Meeting every Thursday at 11:30 UTC | This channel is publicly logged at https://matrix.f-droid.org/alias/%23fdroid-dev:f-droid.org 17 Servers

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27 May 2021
@freenode_mvdan:matrix.orgmvdan left the room.20:30:50
@freenode_nailyk:matrix.orgnailyk left the room.20:30:50
@freenode_obfusk:matrix.orgobfusk left the room.20:30:50
@freenode_quite:matrix.orgquite left the room.20:30:50
@freenode_sensiblemn:matrix.orgsensiblemn left the room.20:30:50
@freenode_shiver:matrix.orgshiver left the room.20:30:51
@freenode_smichel17:matrix.orgsmichel17 left the room.20:30:51
@freenode_vancz:matrix.orgvancz left the room.20:30:51
@freenode_wb9688:matrix.orgwb9688 left the room.20:30:51
@freenode_wiewo:matrix.orgwiewo left the room.20:30:51
@freenode_zapb_:matrix.orgzapb_ left the room.20:30:51
@freenode_zapb__:matrix.orgzapb__ left the room.20:30:51
@freenode_zx2c4:matrix.orgzx2c4 left the room.20:30:51
@appservice-irc:matrix.org@appservice-irc:matrix.org joined the room.20:30:51
@appservice-irc:matrix.org@appservice-irc:matrix.orgchanged room power levels.20:30:52
@cdesai:matrix.orgcde @appservice-irc:matrix.org: just won't go away 20:31:14
@mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.comMathijswe want it there anyway, right?20:32:41
@mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.comMathijssince we're going to bridge to oftc later20:32:49
@mathijs:f-droid.orgMathijs (F-droid)ah, I see20:34:34
@mathijs:f-droid.orgMathijs (F-droid)the libera bridge is probably going to look very pretty on matrix-side, by the way20:34:52
@mathijs:f-droid.orgMathijs (F-droid)they've set up a matrix server for libera.chat to host the bridge20:35:04
@mathijs:f-droid.orgMathijs (F-droid) which means you should be able to join libera irc rooms by their name with :libera.chat on matrix side later 20:35:38
@mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.comMathijs invited @oftc-irc:matrix.org@oftc-irc:matrix.org.21:09:22
@oftc-irc:matrix.org@oftc-irc:matrix.org joined the room.21:09:23
@mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.comMathijschanged room power levels.21:09:23
@mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.comMathijsand, indeed this doesn't work due to the freenode bridge bot21:09:40
@mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.comMathijstl;dr: we can set up our own irc bridge on matrix.f-droid.org21:10:00
@mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.comMathijsor we can wait for the load of the matrix.org bridge admins to lighten enough to help us out21:10:22
In reply to @mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.com
tl;dr: we can set up our own irc bridge on matrix.f-droid.org
this would then need some co-ordination with irc admins though to allow that kind of traffic from us

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