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8 Nov 2018
@eighthave:matrix.org_hchaving a key is important to send the required secrets around13:19:22
@mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.comMathijsthat makes sense13:19:43
@mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.comMathijsI never spent too much time securing my e-mail13:19:54
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcgpg isn't fun, but it is the standard way to do this kind of thing13:20:15
@mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.comMathijsThat's what I've found in my research13:20:46
@mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.comMathijsalso the reason I never set it up and just went with secure selfhosted messaging13:26:47
@mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.comMathijsk9 supports GPG, right?13:28:23
@bubuiic:matrix.orgMarcus (old)
In reply to @mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.com
k9 supports GPG, right?
yes, with the some other app for handling the gpg stuff
@bubuiic:matrix.orgMarcus (old)fortget the name currently13:29:07
@bubuiic:matrix.orgMarcus (old)But I'd suggest just using it from a PC with thunderbird + enigmail13:29:22
In reply to @bubuiic:matrix.org
But I'd suggest just using it from a PC with thunderbird + enigmail
ah, thanks for the advice
@bubuiic:matrix.orgMarcus (old)that's your choice of course, but I don't trust my phone enough to have my private key there13:30:00
@mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.comMathijsthat makes sense13:30:34
@mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.comMathijsI'm not sure if I should trust my phone or my pc more13:30:47
@mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.comMathijseither way: I'll look at it and try to set it up13:31:13
@eighthave:matrix.org_hc Mathijs: any luck with the GPG key? I am happy to help, I've done it many times 13:45:40
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcif you're on a Debian-deriv, it should be easy13:45:49
@mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.comMathijsI'm currently at work, whose PC I would certainly not trust with the private key13:46:36
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcto create the key at least13:46:41
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcah, ok13:46:43
@mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.comMathijsI'll set it up on my kubuntu pc at home13:46:54
@mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.comMathijsthanks for offering to help, by the way13:47:09
@mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.comMathijsIs there any issue with using gmail and pgp? (I know it's technically fine, but more from an f-droid perspective)13:48:57
@eighthave:matrix.org_hc"any" yes, is it OK, also yes13:49:36
@bubuiic:matrix.orgMarcus (old)I guess it's better than using gmail without gpg? ;-)13:49:56
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcgmail is not free software 💥13:50:02
@eighthave:matrix.org_hc Nico Mathijs add any DNS settings here https://gitlab.com/fdroid/admin/issues/101 13:52:10
@nico:dorfbrunnen.euNico _hc: Thanks. I would have voted for synapse.f-droid.org, in case we once switch to that other not-yet existing Matrix server software. But I'm fine with matrix.f-droid.org, too. 13:54:12
@mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.comMathijsI keep meaning to find an e-mail host for my own domain13:54:30

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