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12 Nov 2018
@mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.comMathijsThe easiest way I can think of would be using the legal system14:07:09
@mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.comMathijssomething like a notary14:08:02
@mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.comMathijsbut that increases the attack surface a lot as well of course14:08:23
@freenode_Tovok7:matrix.orgTovok7It would be nice if there would be a multi-party signature scheme where we can add/remove parties.14:08:33
@freenode_Tovok7:matrix.orgTovok7(that was one of the roadblocks in my decentralized repo brainstorming, not that the idea was not so much about decentralized distribution but rather building/signing of the repo)14:10:22
In reply to @freenode_Tovok7:matrix.org
It would be nice if there would be a multi-party signature scheme where we can add/remove parties.
that's not a thing in android, right?
@freenode_Tovok7:matrix.orgTovok7 that's independent of android. There are multi-party signature schemes, but I don't know enough about them to know if there are any that are feasible for our requirements. Also, that's an area you want to be absolutely sure that there's no flaws before using its output as a signing key 14:18:08

, that's an area you want to be absolutely sure that there's no flaws before using its output as a signing key


@mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.comMathijsI'm no cryptography expert (obviously) so I won't be of much help there14:19:47
@eighthave:matrix.org_hc Tovok7: ever have a chance to try reprobuilds since the schweiger madness? 14:25:21
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcI've since moved schweiger to stable internet, and also gotten my new connection stable, so I could move it back there14:25:42
@freenode_Tovok7:matrix.orgTovok7 no, need to figure our what I can't connect via Tor 14:25:44
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcplus there is the new gcc box14:25:47
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcdo you have the onion address for schweiger?14:26:16
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcits been stable for me for over a week14:26:33
@freenode_Tovok7:matrix.orgTovok7yup I have, but a different netcat than in your config14:27:07
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcthen use the ssh only trick14:27:28
@eighthave:matrix.org_hc Tovok7: or I could set up your own complete buildserver instance on a gcc box 14:29:48
@freenode_Tovok7:matrix.orgTovok7whatever server I can connect to, but atm the issue is more lack of time on my side14:42:02
@eighthave:matrix.org_hc Tovok7: you should try some things on the live infrastructure then, i.e. just commit to teh metadata file in fdroiddata 15:13:52
@freenode_Tovok7:matrix.orgTovok7 that's a nightmare for debugging and has huge rountrip times 15:24:17
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcsure, but requires no setup time :)16:26:14
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcworks well for very async16:26:24
@eighthave:matrix.org_hce.g. only checking the job once a week16:26:31
@mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.comMathijs Marcus (BubuIIC): the hard part about compiling riot android was the jitsi dependencies, not so much the matrix android sdk ones right? 16:33:35
@bubuiic:matrix.org@bubuiic:matrix.orgmatrix-sdk needs jitsi as well already16:44:16
@mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.comMathijsoh, that's unfortunate16:47:01
@bubuiic:matrix.org@bubuiic:matrix.orgif you just want to test something you can use the precompiled versions in their repo16:47:43

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