27 Dec 2018 |
_hc | Marcus (BubuIIC) where do I go? I'm at Seminar room 13 | 13:32:20 |
| iodev joined the room. | 18:32:23 |
iodev | something is wrong | 18:32:27 |
iodev | my app, I updated it more than 3 times, and now the wiki won't update: https://f-droid.org/wiki/page/science.iodev.fissh | 18:32:54 |
iodev | it remained stuck on 2.7 and my latest release is 3.0 | 18:33:16 |
iodev | I guess, I have to resubmit a pull request | 18:38:30 |
| iodev left the room. | 18:52:52 |
28 Dec 2018 |
| shiver left the room. | 01:00:22 |
| [gibot] left the room. | 11:53:56 |
| [gibot] joined the room. | 11:54:12 |
mvdan | hey - what happened to replacing [gibot]? I'm happy to keep maintaining it and running it, but half a year ago someone said they would replace it soon with something else | 12:22:19 |
mvdan | so this just confuses me; should I just stop developing the software entirely? | 12:22:37 |
@bubuiic:matrix.org | mvdan: the replacement turned out to be not really more capable than gibot as I hoped. | 12:24:58 |
mvdan | more capable in what way? | 12:25:09 |
@bubuiic:matrix.org | Searching for gitlab issues mostly was what I hoped for I think. | 12:26:12 |
mvdan | searching is an interactive UI, unless there's exactly one match or it always shows the best match, so I don't find that terribly helpful | 12:26:47 |
mvdan | certainly possible to implement that in fifty or so lines of Go | 12:26:55 |
@bubuiic:matrix.org | It could show the first 3 or something like that.
What I find myself wishing to do here in chat is a lot of: gitlab search "no icons" | 12:27:58 |
@bubuiic:matrix.org | And then the person reporting the bug jnthe first place can see if there's a match for there issue | 12:28:21 |
@bubuiic:matrix.org | *their | 12:28:28 |
mvdan | can they not do that on the web UI, without spamming all other irc users? | 12:29:36 |
@bubuiic:matrix.org | They could. But they ask here. | 12:29:53 |
mvdan | four messages to just search for an issue seems very spammy | 12:30:00 |
@bubuiic:matrix.org | And I know there's an issue but I don't know the number | 12:30:05 |
@bubuiic:matrix.org | I might kjiw the keyworda | 12:30:23 |
@bubuiic:matrix.org | *know | 12:30:26 |
mvdan | currently looking at https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/search.html#scope-issues | 12:32:56 |
mvdan | doesn't look like there's a way to sort issues | 12:33:04 |
mvdan | the UI doesn't have a revelance order at all | 12:33:14 |
mvdan | it does have a popularity order, but the API doesn't expose it | 12:33:35 |