9 Feb 2025 |
rando | also where there are strings like "android.permission.AUTHENTICATE_ACCOUNTS" in permission section? | 15:14:37 |
rando | can't truncate it like other permissions to "authenticate accounts" only? | 15:15:20 |
Licaon_Kter[xmpp] | rando: No, those need to be like that to match the Android source string, afaik | 15:21:05 |
lucasmz | I'm noticing there are duplicates for anti features for E.g. the website and client | 16:33:56 |
lucasmz | There's a whole component for anti features but there's still strings for them for the client despite AFAICT being the same? | 16:34:49 |
| АкакийНазарыч ЗирбирштейН joined the room. | 22:10:41 |
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10 Feb 2025 |
| Deleted account 5648801262 changed their display name from أبو عبيده to Deleted account 5648801262. | 00:05:38 |
11 Feb 2025 |
rando | https://hosted.weblate.org/translate/f-droid/f-droid/ar/?q=state%3A%3Ctranslated&offset=1 | 17:48:11 |
rando | Arabic, Few (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 103, 104, …) | 17:48:17 |
rando | seems to high for "few"? is that provided by Weblate? | 17:48:33 |
lucasmz | In reply to @basses:matrix.org seems to high for "few"? is that provided by Weblate? It is AFAIK | 18:19:02 |
12 Feb 2025 |
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