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15 Jul 2021
@nidi:matrix.orgnidiI have had the same issue in the recent weeks (with changing error messages), but at some point it magically worked again. See https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroidclient/-/issues/222906:26:33
@nidi:matrix.orgnidiAt the moment I have no problem refreshing the repo.06:26:49
@nidi:matrix.orgnidiIf you have additional information, it might be useful to add it to the bug report. Also a "me too" with some version etc. data is useful.06:28:22
@stephan.meyer:matrix.orgStephan MeyerThis looks like the issue I face. I'll leave a comment there. Thanks for the fast help ๐Ÿ‘06:31:49
@_oftc_sproutnikus:matrix.orgsproutnikus joined the room.06:40:02
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@_oftc_gaqwas:matrix.orggaqwas left the room.07:11:20
@thomas:zell-mbc.comThomas joined the room.07:24:12
@nidi:matrix.orgnidiI reopened the issue.07:28:57

Hi all, I recently got alerted by one of the F-Droid team members that the latest build of my app failed. At first it looked like this was due to a typo in one of the language strings but after fixing the string, the build still fails. My challenge is that the app builds fine at my end, Android Studio code inspection shows no errors (aside from some missing translations) and the F-Droid build log finishes with a fabulous "no error message" :-)
A failure occurred while executing org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.internal.KaptWithoutKotlincTask$KaptExecutionWorkAction

java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException (no error message)

In short I could with some help, maybe someone can read something from the log which I missed, or maybe there's away to manually run the F-Droid build with the --stacktrace / --debug options?

Here's the build log: https://monitor.f-droid.org/builds/log/com.zell_mbc.medilog/5345

Some history: https://gitlab.com/toz12/medilog/-/issues/177

@thomas:zell-mbc.comThomas *

Hi all, I recently got alerted by one of the F-Droid team members that the latest build of my app failed. At first it looked like this was due to a typo in one of the language strings but after fixing the string, the build still fails. My challenge is that the app builds fine at my end, Android Studio code inspection shows no errors (aside from some missing translations) and the F-Droid build log finishes with a fabulous "no error message" :-)
A failure occurred while executing org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.internal.KaptWithoutKotlincTask$KaptExecutionWorkAction

java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException (no error message)

In short I could with some help, maybe someone can read something from the log which I missed, or maybe there's away to manually run the F-Droid build with the --stacktrace / --debug options?

Here's the build log: https://monitor.f-droid.org/builds/log/com.zell_mbc.medilog/5345

Some history: https://gitlab.com/toz12/medilog/-/issues/177

@thomas:zell-mbc.comThomas *

Hi all, I recently got alerted by one of the F-Droid team members that the latest build of my app failed. At first it looked like this was due to a typo in one of the language strings but after fixing the string, the build still fails. My challenge is that the app builds fine at my end, Android Studio code inspection shows no errors (aside from some missing translations) and the F-Droid build log finishes with a fabulous "no error message" :-)
>A failure occurred while executing org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.internal.KaptWithoutKotlincTask$KaptExecutionWorkAction
> java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException (no error message)

In short I could with some help, maybe someone can read something from the log which I missed, or maybe there's away to manually run the F-Droid build with the --stacktrace / --debug options?

Here's the build log: https://monitor.f-droid.org/builds/log/com.zell_mbc.medilog/5345

Some history: https://gitlab.com/toz12/medilog/-/issues/177

@telegram_663777121:t2bot.io. joined the room.07:39:50
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@billy-from-tennessee:matrix.cheibegaudi.ch@billy-from-tennessee:matrix.cheibegaudi.chIs there a good time tracking app on F-Droid? I found 3 older ones with most recent versionsb2 years ago. :)08:00:23
@billy-from-tennessee:matrix.cheibegaudi.ch@billy-from-tennessee:matrix.cheibegaudi.ch* Is there a good time tracking app on F-Droid? I found 3 older ones with most recent versions 2 years ago. :)08:00:39
@_oftc_Betal:matrix.orgBetal left the room.08:03:53
@_oftc_deki:matrix.orgdekiare they broken?08:04:10


warning: Current JDK version 1.8.0_292-8u292-b10-0+deb9u1-b10 has a bug (https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8007720) that prevents Room from being incremental. Consider using JDK 11+ or the embedded JDK shipped with Android Studio 3.5+.

Have you tried building with Java 11?

@_oftc_sproutnikus:matrix.orgsproutnikus left the room.08:17:29
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@thomas:zell-mbc.comThomasII currently build with 1.8 when inside AndroidStudio and with 11 when on the CLI: ./gradlew assemble โ€ฆ -Dorg.gradle.java.home=/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk Both complete fine locally. I could up "sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8" I guess, but I am unsure of the implications? Will this have negative side effects? 09:11:37
@thomas:zell-mbc.comThomasAssuming that this compileOptions { sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 } is what pulls in Java 1.8?09:18:25
@thomas:zell-mbc.comThomasQuickly checking the java version used by android-studio: โ€ฆ/android-studio/jre/bin/java --version openjdk 11.0.8 2020-07-14 OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.8+0-b944-P17168821) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 11.0.8+0-b944-6842174, mixed mode) Looks like I am using Java 11 already? 09:22:59
@_oftc_link2xt:matrix.orglink2xt left the room.09:26:21
@_oftc_sproutnikus:matrix.orgsproutnikus left the room.10:19:13
@_oftc_SamantazFox:matrix.orgSamantazFox joined the room.10:39:23
@_oftc_SamantazFox:matrix.orgSamantazFox left the room.11:15:52

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