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16 Jul 2021
@_oftc_SjpsbpmOYydlqXcr:matrix.orgSjpsbpmOYydlqXcr left the room.08:06:12
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@thomas:zell-mbc.comThomas Hi Sylvia , Izzy , sorry for bumping my issue again, but maybe you missed my posts higher up. Is there a way for the F-Droid team to manually start a build of a failing app with the --debug or --stacktrace option? My app fails to build on F-Droid and I can't find any meaningful/actionable error message in the log.
@_oftc_JanC:matrix.orgJanC joined the room.08:30:46
@_oftc_XeR:matrix.orgXeR joined the room.08:30:47
@_oftc_Starmina:matrix.orgStarmina joined the room.08:30:48
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@_oftc_Izzy:matrix.orgIzzy Not that I know of, sorry. Those with a local build environment probably can do so locally I guess, but I'm not one of them. 10:02:10
@_oftc_mjacob:matrix.orgmjacob joined the room.10:11:52
@_oftc_mjacob:matrix.orgmjacob if for some app, two versions (from different repositories) are shown as "installed", does that mean that the apks from the different repositories are bit-by-bit equivalent, or does it only mean that the specified version numbers match? 10:15:16
In reply to @_oftc_Izzy:matrix.org
Not that I know of, sorry. Those with a local build environment probably can do so locally I guess, but I'm not one of them.
Thanks Izzy , need to think of alternative approaches I guess.
@_oftc_ablutor:matrix.orgablutor left the room.11:22:35
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@_oftc_rejoicetreat:matrix.orgrejoicetreat joined the room.11:47:25
@_oftc_IGImonster:matrix.orgIGImonster left the room.11:52:48
@_oftc_IGImonster:matrix.orgIGImonster joined the room.11:55:12
@_oftc_rejoicetreat:matrix.orgrejoicetreat left the room.12:04:39
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@_oftc_rejoicetreat:matrix.orgrejoicetreat left the room.12:17:45
@_oftc_tepozoa:matrix.orgtepozoa mjacob: that seems weird - the app is known by it's internal code path nam (like you see on the website, com.foo.bar) and I think that Android does not allow two of those to exist at once? My thought is that one app has been modified so that it's like com.foo.bar1 and com.foo.bar2 internally, making them not actually the same app? 12:21:35

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